eJudge logo funny diving judges
We are proud to announce eDives very own mobile judging app called eJudge now available on iTunes! This mobile app was created specifically for eDive and it allows a judge to enter their score and have it transmitted over your network directly into eDive. No large clunky boxes and no more having to untangle a mess of wires! Just download the app and you're ready to go!
eJudge configuration
As long as you are licensed to use eJudge you can have any coach show up at your meet, download the app from iTunes on their iOS device, connect it to your eDive computer and be ready to judge! What could be more convenient? Each copy of the app is configured to only communicate with the eDive computer you choose so you can be guaranteed that score gets into eDive correctly.
For every round each judge will be shown the divers name, the abbreviation of the team they are competing for, the dive number, board level and a full description of that dive for their reference. Once their score has been entered it will be displayed on their screen so they can verify what award they sent.
eJudge scoring a dive
eJudge configuration
Judges will also be able to see what the entire panel scored on that dive. Once all scores have been received in eDive they are displayed in each judges app. If a judging panel has been created in eDive then the judges names are displayed along with the score that they threw. This allows each judge to gauge how they are scoring compared to the panel. They will be the first ones to see the bingos!
eJudge also contains an exciting feature called Display Mode. When you connect the app to eDive in Display Mode, only the divers name, board level and dive number are displayed in a very large font. This is an awesome feature because you can connect a small tablet to eDive using eJudge in Display Mode and place the tablet near the diving board so that the diver can verify the dive they are doing next. You could also have a tablet setup near the spectators so they can see who is on the board and what dive they are doing next.

You can have as many apps connected in display mode as you want along with all of the judges connected ... all at the same time!

eJudge diver display mode
eJudge is free to download now on iTunes and it will work on any iOS device running iOS 9.3.5 or higher. A license to use eJudge with eDive must be purchased and the price is dependant on the type of eDive license you own. As long as you are current on your eDive maintenance then you can connect as many eJudge apps as you need in order to run your meets.

Please click here to contact us and we can help you through the setup/configuration.


3795 Deer Meadow Run
Macedon, New York 14502
Phone: 585-317-9445
Fax: 888-909-0942
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